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[17]SmackDown vs Raw2008(PSP版) 投稿者:ペンギン [RES] メール HOME
プロレスのゲームなんですけど、どうしても英語が読めなくて隠しキャラが出現させることができません。The Rock、Steve Austin、Mick Foley、Terry Funk、Bret Hart、Vince McMahon、Vince McMahon Baldの7人の出現方法がわかりません。よろしくおねがいします

投稿日:2007年12月08日 (土) 18時55分

[12]マックスペイン2 投稿者:カエル [RES] メール HOME

投稿日:2007年03月09日 (金) 21時40分

[11]メカトロル(カメオ)攻略指南 投稿者:ピクサック [RES] メール HOME
5.23 Boss Fight: Lord Drok

Lord Drok is a large mechanical troll. Switch to Chilla. Run up to Lord Drok ロードトロルはでかいメカです。チラにチェンジします。
and dodge with he smash will his hammer. When he start to laugh, aim an ice ハンマーが打たれる前に避けます、それでアイススパイクの用意をします。
spike at the plate that open in his chest to release some magmites. Switch to
Snare and bit some magmites. From a distance root, rock twice, and spit them
at Lord Drok.そして笑ったときおなかを狙って撃ちます、するとマグマイトを吐き出すので、スネヤにチェンジしてマグマイトをくわえて根をはり、2回ふってマグマイトをはきだしてトロルに密着させます。 Repeat with several mouth full of Magmites. これをなんかいか繰り返して Switch to Chilla
and throw ice spikes at the magmite on Lord Droks body to hurt him.チラに切り替えて、ダメージを与えるためにアイスパイクをマグマイトに当てます、

Keep this up unit Lord Drok is at about half health. Now when you go up to トロルのHPが半分までくると、チラに切り替えましょう。トロルは今度は、振りかぶってくるので2回左に避けます。
him with Chilla, dodge to the left to avoid his swing. He'll typical jump and
charge twice, and do his laugh on the third round allowing you to get more そしてまたジャンプ攻撃してきますそしてまた2回振りかぶり笑います・・それでチラでアイススパイクでそしてマグマイトでスネア攻撃。
magmites for Snare to bit, root, swing, and spit onto him, and then have
Chilla blow them up with an ice spike.
Keep up the process of throwing Ice spike in the open panel to get magmite,
biting them and spitting them onto Lord Drok, and detonating them with
Chilla's この組み合わせを難度も繰り返していると・・・かれは、
Ice Spikes, until Lord Drok is finished.終わりになる!::::::::以上が攻略手順でした。

投稿日:2006年02月12日 (日) 02時56分

[10]この間の続き 投稿者:ブレード [RES] メール HOME
無事、クリアできました!ども! このステージのボスのメカトロルの撃退法を指南お願いします。

投稿日:2006年02月12日 (日) 02時39分

[9]ブレードさんへ{カメオの攻略} 投稿者:ピクサック [RES] メール HOME
見つけました!英文だけ抜き出しました!!→→5.22 Main Mission #5: Thorn's Pass

Watch the cutscene.

There's a glass jaw troll in the distance ahead of you. Before you worry
about him though take out the trolls will cannons on the towers to the left
and right with Chilla's Ice spike. Then switch to snare to bite the armored
trolls and finish them off with lock jaw, keeping it up until they finish
coming out.

This glass jaw troll recovers too quickly from Pummel Weed's uprooter to get a
shot in at it's exposed neck with Chilla. Instead use Thermite's Mortar and
Lava Bomb to give you time to switch to Chilla and aim spikes at his neck.これによると、パメルだとだめです。ターミットのモルタルとレーバボムで攻撃すると、あごを上げている時間が長くなって、チラでアイススパイクで倒せるそうです!アーマートロルはスネヤーのバイトで倒せるそうです。3体と戦う前に塔から打ってくる2体も、チラで倒しておくといいそうです。以上です!!健闘をいのってます!

投稿日:2006年02月10日 (金) 02時46分

[8]カメオの最後のソーンの城の入り口で苦戦! 投稿者:ブレード [RES] メール HOME

投稿日:2006年02月10日 (金) 02時38分

[7]アッシュさんへ! 投稿者:ピクサック [RES] メール HOME

投稿日:2006年02月04日 (土) 22時33分

[6]次の10項目から選んでください! 投稿者:ピクサック [RES] メール HOME
ピンポイントで説明したいので・・・分かりますか10項目中どこにいるのか?!↓からチェックできます!!*********II - Walkthrough (攻略}

000.0 - Basic Strategies
001.1 - The Cabin - "Dead by dawn."船室〜死の夜明け
002.0 - Sunny Meadows Asylum - "Who's laughing now?" 日のあたる草原の隠れ家(寺院}〜今、誰が笑っているんだ?
003.0 - Sunny Meadows Cemetery - "The things that were and shall be again."墓地〜かつて起こったそしてまた!
004.0 - The Catacombs - "Someone's in my fruit cellar." 地下墓地〜果物貯蔵庫に誰かいる!
005.0 - The Woods - "It lives... out in those woods... in the dark."森〜暗闇の森の中に奴が住んでいる!
006.0 - The Forsaken Mines - "Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun."見捨てられた、鉱山〜良かろうと悪かろうと、今のオレには、銃がある
007.0 - Port Turnham Shipyard - "Hail he who comes from the sky!"港のターンハム船着場〜やったぜ、空から彼がきた!
008.0 - The Swamps - "This is my BOOMSTICK!"沼〜これが俺の、うなるこん棒だ
009.0 - Port Turnham - "Who wants some?"ターンハム港〜誰が、ほしいんだ?
010.0 - The Temple - "Hail to the king, baby."寺院〜あんた!、王に合図を送れ*************が和訳ですが・・・分かりますか今自分がドコにいるか?!返事待ってます!!!

投稿日:2006年02月04日 (土) 22時30分

[4]サンプル 投稿者:サンプル [RES] メール HOME

Tomb Raider: Legend Impressions
We get a sneak peek at the second level of Lara Croft's upcoming adventure.

During a recent meeting with representatives from Eidos and Crystal Dynamics, we were given a guided tour through a small portion of one of Tomb Raider: Legend's levels by the game's producer. The level, which will be the second in the finished game, was set in a large underground tomb that was more reminiscent of the environments in Lara Croft's first adventure than of anywhere you might have spent time in her subsequent outings. The underground tomb was impressively lit by shafts of light coming through cracks in the ceiling, and on the few occasions in which Lara found herself in darkness, she was able to turn on a small shoulder-mounted torch.

Good news, kids, because Lara's back.

There were no enemies for Lara to deal with in the tomb, but if you've played any of the previous Tomb Raider games, you know that much of the challenge often comes from solving puzzles and working out how to get from A to B. Traps have also been a common problem for Lara in the past, and although we didn't get to see her dodging arrows and pits filled with spikes on this occasion, we did get to see a walkway across a chasm crumbling under her feet. In previous games, you might have dealt with Lara's predicament by making a desperate jump for a nearby ledge or something, but on this occasion, the danger took the form of an interactive cutscene in which you're required to perform "super actions" by hitting the correct buttons as they flash up on the screen.

The super action sequence that we were shown required only three or four button presses to beat, but the timing was crucial. The buttons flashing up on the screen used the same control conventions as the rest of the game, so when Lara needed to perform a spectacular leap to avoid a falling column, for example, it was the jump button (X on the PS2) that appeared onscreen. Lara's super action animations were more spectacular than those that you'll see during regular gameplay, because they were tightly scripted specifically for the sequence. We were told that each super action sequence will also have its own hand-animated death visuals waiting for Lara if you mess up, but we didn't get to see any for ourselves on this occasion.

After Lara had successfully negotiated the crumbling walkway and toppling columns, we saw her entering a large room containing all of the props necessary to solve an Indiana Jones-style puzzle. There were giant statues against the walls, a smaller statue of an Anubis-like dog in the middle of the floor with blue gems for eyes, pressure plates in the floor, and a spherical boulder that Lara was able to push and pull around. Needless to say, solving the puzzle required Lara to activate the pressure plates using the boulder (which boasted entirely believable physics), some climbing of statues, and making beams of light hit the dog statue's eyes in order to open a secret passage to the next area. At this point we were treated to a brief in-game cutscene in which Lara retrieves an artifact of some kind and is then contacted by her gadget guy, Zip, who warns her that mercenaries are heading into the tomb via her headset.

Our favorite tomb raider can still take our breath away.

We never actually got to see the aforementioned mercenaries showing up, but the Tomb Raider: Legend producer did use the next room to show off some of the new gadgets that Lara will have in her arsenal, which include a magnetic grappling hook and a pair of binoculars equipped with a remote analysis device (RAD). The grappling hook can be attached to any surface in the game that has a slightly artificial-looking sheen when you look at it, and although you'll mostly be using it to swing from or climb up to otherwise inaccessible areas, we also got to see Lara pulling a statue to the ground with it. Unsurprisingly, the binoculars (which come with a powerful zoom function) will mostly be used to examine your surroundings as you try to figure out your next course of action. With the push of a button, your binoculars will use the aforementioned RAD to analyze whichever area you're focusing on and will let you know if it has any useful qualities (such as being flammable or unstable) by illuminating one or more icons along the bottom of the screen.

Before our all-too-brief demonstration of Tomb Raider: Legend came to an end, we were treated to a veritable exhibition of Lara's range of movements as the game's producer negotiated a room full of ledges, platforms, ropes, and such. Jumping between platforms and clinging to narrow ledges is nothing new for Lara, of course, but in Tomb Raider: Legend, you'll find that many of her acrobatics are much more interactive than they've been in previous games in the series. When moving along a narrow ledge that you're hanging from, for example, you'll find that the ledge has been destroyed in some places and the only way for you to pass is to perform a tricky jump-and-grab maneuver that requires split-second timing on the buttons. Mistiming the grab won't necessarily result in you plummeting to the ground (or bottomless pit) below; rather, you'll get a second chance if you manage to press whichever button flashes up on the screen before Lara loses her grip completely. Other moves that we got to see Lara perform included using her arms to propel herself from a ledge to another ledge directly above, and jumping between two walls with surfaces that could be grabbed onto. Classic "flair" moves, such as the swallow dive, and unnecessary handstands and cartwheels when climbing up onto ledges will be available to any of you who can figure out the button combinations necessary to perform them, along with a bunch of new, even showier moves that are being kept under wraps for the moment.

The legend returns next spring.

Perhaps the most impressive feature of Tomb Raider: Legend during our demonstration--if only because it had to be pointed out to us--was the camera, which never failed to keep up with Lara's acrobatic antics. Crystal Dynamics' goal for the in-game camera, we were told, was to let you control it manually whenever you want to, but to ensure that you'd never actually need to. The camera assumed a garden-variety third-person position behind Lara for the most part, and did an excellent job of keeping her in frame (without being detrimental to the gameplay) whenever the action got a little crazier. We also noticed that the camera would occasionally reposition itself slightly to afford us a view of important objects and such as we passed by them, which has long been a subtle feature of the series, although in previous iterations you'd actually see Lara's head turn, as if she had noticed something of interest.

We left our Tomb Raider: Legend demonstration feeling impressed with what we'd seen and wishing that we'd been allowed to get our hands on the game, if only for a couple of minutes. We're sure to get an opportunity to do that ahead of the game's spring 2006 release date, so look for more coverage on Tomb Raider: Legend in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future.

投稿日:2006年02月04日 (土) 21時48分


投稿日:2006年02月03日 (金) 21時07分

Number Pass
SYSTEM BY せっかく掲示板