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* January 30, 2016 (Sat) JIP International Party (New Year Special)
The Biggest and Coolest International Party in Japan!!
Over 250 people are expected!

Wanna make New friends?
Wanna find Language exchange partners?
Wanna make girl friends/boy friends?

JIP International Party (New Year Special)
Date/Time: January 30, 2016 (Saturday) 6:30-9:00pm
Location: Bar Quest (Roppongi)
Address: 5-3-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo (No.2 Rene Bldg. 3F)
Detail: http://www.getyourfriend.com/

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[4754] Nice to Meet you! I live in Ebisu Leonardo - 2012/02/26(日) 19:52 - MAIL

Konichiwa! Mi chiamo Leonardo
I am Italian,from Florence-the most beautiful city in Italy!
How are You ?
Nice to Meet you!
I live in Ebisu
I'm a sound engineer in the movie theater.
I'm a friendly person, who loves hanging out with friends and meeting people
Watashiwa nichijo nihongo jousu ni hanasemasu
i'd like to share my hobbies :cooking,kawaii stuff,art,japanese comics and culture,daily life, I LOVE music-its my work,I can also watch movies for free in theaters,you can join me!
I read Japanese books by Haruki Murakami (my favorite book is ノルウェイ の 森) and I have also seen Japanese films as おくり びと.
I love Japan and Japanese culture!I would like to know more the culture of Japan and food and the language ...
I can teach Italian or English, and It would be great to improve Japanese!
I never had Japanese girlfriend and want to make Japanese now or serious relationship,future marriage,I plan to live in Japan or both-Italy and Japan
I am blue eyed,handsome,sincere,non smoker,nice,interesting,passinate,...
I also LOVE Manga and I collect them (I have over 1000 manga!!).
My dream is to make a long journey around Japan.
Please kindly write me email- milaub@hotmail.it
I can talk with you using mail,meet in central Tokyo in a cafe or restaurant, Skype, everything, so...ask me :)
I have facebook, msn and skype too!!
Mata ne!


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